Reflection for February 2025


The title for this month’s Reflection came to me a few days ago when we were being warned of yet another ‘named’ storm about to batter the UK. We are encouraged to make some preparation for these storms. Make sure everything is secured. Only go out if absolutely necessary. Our lives are similar, never straightforward. Like the weather, good days, bad days and everything in between. Unlike the weather, we don't normally have a forecast to tell us what to expect in the future. We rightly make plans with things as we expect them to be.

What happens when, often with little warning, our circumstances change and mean carefully laid plans come to nought? The question I want us to ponder is what we can do about these changing circumstances. What do you do now? What have you done in the past? As Christians we have access to two often underused resources - Prayer and Prophecy. Some have this God given gift, where God reveals to them through the Holy Spirit future events. Prophecy is a subject I have not got space to cover, save to say I have found it really helpful praying with someone who has this gift.

God, our Father, is waiting to hear from us. He can only help if we speak to Him. In my experience, prayer is not necessarily the first thing we think about when our circumstances suddenly change. We normally try to sort a situation out ourselves and only turn to prayer as a last resort. In a fast-moving situation it is difficult to find time to pray but it does not need to be a long prayer outlining all the circumstances. Two words will suffice, ‘God; Help!!’

Why? Because God already knows everything about us and about the situation we are in. If you read Living Light, then this is something this week’s author has been covering from Matthew 6:5-18. If you have not already, have a read. If you don’t use Living Light, or another daily Bible reading guide, can I suggest you start? Reading and memorising (if you can) Scripture, which is the inspired word of God, alongside finding time for daily prayer, is the finest way of increasing your faith and being prepared for the Storms of Life.

A story about David Livingstone, (missionary to Africa), was circulated last week. A group he had been trying to reach with the Gospel had sent a message warning that they were going to attack the compound where he was living and kill everyone. He prayed. Miraculously, there was no attack. A couple of years later, the leader of the group became a Christian. Livingstone asked him why they didn’t attack. There were 39 strong men guarding you, he said. There was no way we could beat them. When Livingstone returned to his sending church he related this story. On the day in question, 39 people had been at a prayer meeting, praying for him.

Paul & Christine